June 20, 2008

Quick catch up on last few weeks...

I've been working on this year's yMedia Challenge for a couple of weeks now, I'll do a quick recap of everything so far. I pulled Sheena in with me on the first day, Sheena is studying with me at Unitec and we did the Industry Internship course together. It was coming up to Uni holidays and Pamela had asked me to recruit anyone I knew to help out.

The yMedia office is totally cool. Terabyte gave us an area in their York St, Parnell office as an in-kind contribution to the yMedia Challenge. We have a big space with wooden polished floors and open-planned desks. All that we had on the desks so far were felttip pens and A3 paper, must be in brainstorm mode.

/skip forward a week/

Pamela and I are here meeting Brendan Jarvis from Chrometoaster. We're at the Strawberry Alarmclock in Parnell. I hadn't had my morning coffee yet, but Pamela had already taken 3. Brendan didn't know what had hit him, Pamela spoke at 100 miles an hour, Brendan asked a few questions and I interjected every now and then. It was a pretty successful meeting, certainly economic on time.

Brendan is quite a big deal, a General Manager at the Chrometoaster Auckland office. One of his major clients is NZ Trade and Enterprise. He also blogs on BusinessDay about digital media and design. Check his blog at http://www.businessday.co.nz/blog/playingtowin. Since our meeting, he's volunteered to judge the yMedia Challenge projects and is offering an internship opportunity to students coming through the Challenge. Awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.