July 11, 2008

Digital identity & networks - Wellington

On Tuesday we had our second workshop for students at Xero in Wellington.

Megan Hosking from Alto began by confessing to being a bit of a "rebel". According to her business card she's "a big thinker and loves to bang on about all sorts of things". Megan bung on about a variety of things, from Good Friday where her employees spend every Friday doing whatever they want, to her definition of a "designer" being a "servant to process". Her presentation stirred thought amongst the tertiary students - that's opposed to "thunking" which Megan expands to "clunky thinking", her explaination of how poorly designed products make it on to the shelves. Megan's presentation showed us her perspective of the truths of our modern world, an insight into the thinking behind a creative person. Check her presentation below!

Anthea Whittle from Terabyte spoke about her experiences from the 2007 yMedia Challenge. Anthea and Hayden worked with SIDS NZ during the Challenge and developed a new website for them. Anthea found herself managing the project, while Hayden took on the coding aspects of the website. Anthea spoke about how the success of their project depended on the great relationship they had with the two SIDS workers. She explained that in website design, knowledge of the audience is the most important thing to keep in mind. Anthea is now a Project Manager - her experience with SIDS NZ in the yMedia Challenge was invaluable in her placement at Terabyte. See her presentation below!

Thanks to the students who attended from Massey, Victoria and Natcoll. Thanks to Xero for the venue. Thanks to Megan Hosking and Anthea Whittle for speaking. And thanks to Epic Beer for the beer.

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